I had a fling over Labor Day weekend. I was in New York. My good friend Yogita played hostess and tour guide. I walked shopped ate danced and site-see-ed. Exploring the city on my own was a great adventure to a home-body like me. And a much needed stress-reliver for the worry-wart in me. Taking in the rush and hub-bub of the streets, checking out the bars and restaurants and shops and cafes and store fronts of each block, exploring the neighborhoods and communities that make up the island, excited me and thrilled me in a way no other city has. Slowly, NYC started to seduce me like a handsome debonair southern gentleman who already has his hands full with women from all over the world but doesn't see the harm in adding one more notch to his belt. I was wined and dined by the high-end restaurants, street food, and weak drinks. I was caressed by the rich fabrics of all the clothes in SoHo. My heart beat faster and faster as I went in and out of the train stations and up and down the city. I became enamored with NYC with each passing second. Before I knew it, I was sprung. I felt like I was 16 again, uninhibited and daring. I began fantasizing about moving. Gasp! An LA chick moving to NYC? Blasphemous! The blood rushed through my veins and my head was spinning at the thought. Why not? There's so much to do and see and feel in NYC. "I can see myself living here," I kept thinking to myself. The thought exhilarated me like the thought of running away with sexy stranger to a destination unknown.
Then, standing in Central Park, on my last day in New York, as I looked up at the blue, sunny sky, I realized what I'm loving the most about New York, the aphrodisiac that is enticing me and making me crazy with desire, I already have in LA. While I stared at the white clouds and took in the sun's warm rays, I realized it was the bright sun and dreamy sky that I was high on, and in NYC, the bright sun and dreamy sky, like the Aurora Borealis, only shows its beautiful face once a year. No, it was fun while it lasted New York, but this chica has all she needs in warm, sunny, LA.
Sadly, I boarded the plane, but happily, I set foot in my home and found pleasure in being back with my true love, LA.
Then, standing in Central Park, on my last day in New York, as I looked up at the blue, sunny sky, I realized what I'm loving the most about New York, the aphrodisiac that is enticing me and making me crazy with desire, I already have in LA. While I stared at the white clouds and took in the sun's warm rays, I realized it was the bright sun and dreamy sky that I was high on, and in NYC, the bright sun and dreamy sky, like the Aurora Borealis, only shows its beautiful face once a year. No, it was fun while it lasted New York, but this chica has all she needs in warm, sunny, LA.
Sadly, I boarded the plane, but happily, I set foot in my home and found pleasure in being back with my true love, LA.