This is where it all starts. The beginning of a long night in the alley, chowing down on good grub, throwing back some Tecates, shooting the shit with the fam bam. Some people’s idea of a good time may involve hitting the hottest spot on the Sunset Strip or wining and dining at an overpriced fancy restaurant. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy that too, occasionally. After all, I am from LA. But my idea of the BEST time is kicking it with my peeps. There's nothing like firing up the grill at the spur of the moment, grabbing some food at the grocery store down the street, and just hanging out talking about whatever. It's times like these when the best tasting food is made, the funniest stories are told, and true bonding happens. Not the sissy kind of bonding like telling each other how much we love each other and all that nonsense. I mean the unspoken bonding that occurs between a brother and sister who, though never said aloud, will do anything for each other and always have each other's backs. I mean the kind of bonding that can only happen between uncles and cousins and nieces and nephews and brother-in-laws at 3 in the morning after 5 bottles of cheap wine and several tortillas later.
This may not be what Hallmark cards are made of, but it's what Boyle Heights is made of, and it's what I'm made of, and that's a whole lot better if you ask me.
This may not be what Hallmark cards are made of, but it's what Boyle Heights is made of, and it's what I'm made of, and that's a whole lot better if you ask me.
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